Photo Gallery

Autism Awareness Day Celebration(2 April 2014)

First National Level Sports Meet for the D.S.E Trainees (14-16 February 2014)

National Conference on Rehabilitation of Persons with Multiple Disabilities, New Delhi (27-28 November 2013 )

Shri.Awanish K Awasthi, Joint Secretary to G.O.I, D.D.A, MSJ&E visit to N.I.E.P.M.D (9 November 2013 )

Chief Commissioner of Persons with disabilities visit of N.I.E.P.M.D (6th October 2013)

1st Graduation ceremony of B.Ed.Special Education(M.D) (7th July 2013)

National Conference on Autism Spectrum Disorder: Blooming Beyond the Horizon (14th-16th March 2013)

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