
Prosthetic Orthotic Unit

Prosthetic & Orthotic service Prosthetic & Orthotic unit provides services to the persons with disabilities in terms of assessment, measurement, fabrication, fitment and training of various types of orthotic, prosthetic splint, adaptive devices and seating devices as per their needs and requirement to perform and make accessible to environment and community. The fabrication and fitment technologies are based on low cost and low weight, to reduce the energy demand cost expenditure in performing day to day activities.

Department of Clinical Psychology

Guidance and Counseling Psychological services include intellectual and functional assessments and interventions programs for persons with multiple disabilities. A detailed psychological assessment through standardized tools, behavior management programs and psychotherapy for the parents having children with disabilities. Family system approach is widely used to get the child to be accepted in the family in terms of his/her physical, emotional and psychological differences from others. Apart from the intervention model for the children, the family members are also guided various training programmes to enhance the total quality of life of the family as a whole.

Department of Special Education

Assessment on Special Educational Needs Children with Multiple Disabilities are assessed with use of functional approach.Individualized educational programme with periodical evaluation has been followed for the children attending special education services. The role of parents is emphasized all through the training program. Multi-sensory and low cost teaching learning materials are designed for increasing the effectiveness of teaching and learning process. Curricular and co-curricular activities are taught with special emphasis on making them inclusive.

Early Intervention services

Early Intervention service The early intervention services are provided for children at risk/developmental delay from birth to three years. The children are assessed for different developmental aspects such as motor, language, cognitive. self-help and social skills. Play way method is imparted to stimulate the developmental functioning of the children. A home based program is also prepared and explained to parents to follow the same.

Department of Speech, Hearing & Communication

This unit provides clinical services for all referred persons such as diagnostic, assessment, therapeutic intervention, home training programme, parents counseling, sibling training and group communication programme. As an extension service, group communication therapy program are organized for the benefit of parents and staff of special school. Children with hearing impairment are provided with hearing aids, ear moulds and auditory training program. This unit has audiology labs and ear mould lab for audiological assessment/ evaluation and fabrication of ear mould. Diagnostic instruments such as pure tone, impedance audiometer have been procured. A Client centered approach is practiced, highlighting the abilities of the children, rather than their disabilities. A format called "My talented child' is used for this purpose, where the parents and family members are included as partners in the intervention program.

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Last updated on 02nd July 2024