
Department of Adult Independent Living

The department functions with the objectives of providing adequate support for adults with multiple disabilities to lead an independent life. The service includes, assessment and vocational guidance and various skill training and vocational training programmes for the adult's with multiple disabilities. In addition to this, concept of empowering the family members introduced, by conducting Income Generation Programme for the economic independence and better quality of life.

Department of Social Work

The department has dedicated its services for the unreached areas through extension services, outreach programmes, parent's group meeting and capacity building programmes. The department also manages the case registration and case records of the clients.

Special Education Centre

This Institute established a Model School name as "Thiramai" (means 'Ability' in Tamil) Special school in the year 2007-08 to cater the educational needs of clients with Multiple Disabilities. The school functions with the following units based on the disability categories.

  • Unit for Early Childhood Special Education
  • Unit for Cerebral palsy with additional disabilities
  • Unit for Deafblind
  • Unit for Autism with additional disabilities

Unit for Early childhood Special Education (ECSE)

In ECSE class children below 6years with developmental delay are enrolled. All children are assessed on their residual capabilities and the programmes are implemented accordingly. Montessori method of teaching is predominantly applied in the teaching learning process. The focus areas for training are self help skills, activities for daily living, socialization, language promotion, motor and cognitive skills. Play way method is used to develop deficit areas. The main focus for training is to promote inclusive education. The children with developmental delay are given Pre School training to facilitate inclusion as much as possible.

Unit for Cerebral Palsy and Additional Disabilities

This unit was divided into Primary class, Secondary class and Prevocational class. Primary classroom: Children of age group 7-10 years are given training in functional skill areas such as personal, social, academic, occupational and recreational activities. Secondary class room: Children between the age group of 11-14 years are trained in functional areas focusing on academic, domestic and occupational skill development. Prevocational class room: Children above 14 years of age are prepared for transition from school to vocational training. They are given training in work related behaviors.

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